
Exchange items for another size or voucher

If you don't like an item from the order, you can exchange it for a different clothing size within 14 days of delivery. If the article to be exchanged has been booked back, you will receive an automatic confirmation from us. We then send you the desired article in the preferred color or size.

Follow the steps to start an exchange

Step 1

Click either on the button below or follow this linkthat leads them to the return portal. Enter your order number and email address there.

step 2

Then select the reason for exchange, the amount and the reimbursement method exchange out of. If necessary, you can also store a remark and photos there. Then check your address for correctness. Finally, click on the “Create return request” button.

step 3

On the next page you will see a summary of your return information. Download the return label and return license. You can put the return certificate in the package and the return label stick to the package.

Step 4

Now you can easily return the package via the DHL: Put the package either in a DHL branch, in a packing station or directly from the DHL driver. If the return has been booked back, you will receive an automatic confirmation from us. We then send you the desired article in the preferred color or size.

To the return portal

Exchange conditions

• The right of exchange only applies to new articles, i.e. unworn, unwashed and flawless items with a label.

• An exchange can only be used for the same article in one different sizes take place. Exchange to another color or another article is not possible.

• A free exchange can only unique for the same article in a different size.

• The return takes place in one shipment. We reserve the right to reject several returns from the same order at different times.

• The return takes place with the shipping service provider DHL, through which the package was delivered.

• We can only accept reconciliations from the respective delivery country. For example, if the delivery has been sent within Germany, the return can only be arranged from Germany. Otherwise, the exchange is not free of charge and the fees for import and shipping are at your expense.

• Personalized articles are excluded from the exchange.